NCAAF – College Football – Plastic Fruit

NCAAF - College Football

Plastic Fruit

You ever walk into a kitchen or a waiting room and see this nice beautiful bowl of fruit.  Makes you just want to reach down, grab an apple, and take a big bite, but when you go to pick it up, you find out it's hollow, fake and it was all really just a big scam.

The beginning of every college football season seems to start the same way.  The hacks in the media get us all hyped up about this team  or that team, and then when we see them in action, we are down one t.v., and assigned to one week in the dog house due to our actions on Saturday afternoon.

Well, now that we got a couple weeks under our belt, let's take a look at which fruit is which,  good fruit or fake fruit.

Let's start with the good ole Texas Longhorns!  Tom Herman came over from Houston, and all of a sudden, there was an excitement and buzz around the Longhorns that hadn't really been legitimate since the last couple of seasons of the Mack Brown era, and that can be debated.  Well, it only took a week one loss to Maryland to wipe away all the hope, and designate Texas back to the dregs of the Big 12.  Sure, they bounced back with a 56-0 win over SJSU, but let's call an apple an apple, and this one is hollow inside.  Texas will be good, but I don't think we are looking at a top 25 team, much less a top 10 team that some of the sports outlets were trying to make us believe.

It is still a bit early in the season to make a judgement call on too many teams, but Alabama, Clemson, Washington, and Michigan seem to be right about in line.  That's not to say they are the best, but they are holding true to what we thought they could do.

Now, on to that one piece, that you really thought was real.  That one apple that looked so good, you literally grabbed it out and thought yea, I am gonna rub it off with my shirt and it's going to taste like a remember a nice sweet apple.  Ohio State.  Well, some said they saw signs during week one, but then again everyone says that.  Ohio is in a state of frenzy just a day after an overwhelming defeat at the hands of the Oklahoma Sooners.  It seems as though Ohio State would just reload and redo, and with a host of returning players, we were made to believe that they were an automatic bid to the playoff.  Now, I don't want to over react, and yes they got the loss out of the way early, but the Big 10 is going to offer up some stiff competition this year, and if the Buckeyes want to be a part of the playoff, it's going to be an uphill climb.  And as far as that fruit, when you picked it up and took a bite, you got a big mouth full of Boomer Sooner!

It's still very early in the season, and as far as the rest of the top 25, it's hard to pick out the real fruit from the fake fruit.  We will have to get a little closer to the bowl before we make too many more judgement calls.

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